Meet 'Bertie'. The newest member of the team at Corsehope Flyers

My name is Bertie - as “Corsehope Flyers” is a new venture at Corsehope I have been acquired as personnel & equipment transport.

My name is Bertie - as “Corsehope Flyers” is a new venture at Corsehope I have been acquired as personnel & equipment transport.  I am a U1300L 1999 Unimog.  I am a beautiful shade of Nato Green.  No one has divulged my past history yet but I have seen some action in my previous life and one day I might be able to share this history with you.

I can carry 15 people and I come complete with a windowed canopy to keep out the harsher elements and a 5 Ton Winch to pull anything that requires assistance.

At present I am undergoing some modifications to enhance my capabilities and make me even more fit for purpose, namely a nonslip floor, and a table.  I also have accommodation for dogs & luggage racks for essentials like extra coats.

I am looking forward to the winter season’s shooting which will soon be upon us.  I will update you shortly with some photographs of my new modifications.