2021 Simulated Game Shooting near Edinburgh

Well, the season was a lot of fun with Seven Simulated Game Days

Well, the season was a lot of fun with seven days Simulated Game Days.  It all happened so quickly or does time fly when you are having fun I wonder?  - Acting on a casual suggestion from a guest we replaced the overhead doors of the lunch venue with a large double glazed glass side with a sliding door in the middle which has been much admired and made all the difference bringing extra light & warmth into the room.

We started our website and had the photography done by Mark Page using his drone which was so interesting and fabulous to see our house and the estate from the air along with some beautiful shots of the farm & the Grouse moor in various colours reminding us of the stunning location in which we are lucky enough to live.

We have thoroughly enjoyed the journey with guests who have been wonderful company.  Matthew has been filled with enthusiasm to try out new drives which has been a revelation to me as his wife – I knew he always wanted to do the Simulated Game Days, but I have been amazed at his use of the topography.

One thing about shooting in the summer is that the evenings are long and this summer we have been blessed with some glorious days as far as the weather is concerned and the après shooting has involved sitting outside in the sun sipping wine in the balmy evening sun  - one could easily have been in Spain.

Thank you to all our loyal clients and to our new guests we look forward to seeing you again in 2022.